You can mail a check to 3428 Janice Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303, or use the convenient, secure PayPal™ credit card option on the page that comes up when you use the "Send My Responses" button below
Whatever method you choose, we do need the information requested in the following section
Your information will be kept strictly confidential, except as required by law*
First Name Please, we need this
Middle Initial At your option
Last Name Please, we need this
Street Address Please, we need this
Address 2 e.g., Apt No., Mail Stop, etc.
City Please, we need this
State Please, we need this
ZIP Code Please, we need this
Home Phone At your option
Work Phone At your option
E-mail Please
Occupation* May be required by law *
Employer* May be required by law *
*California law requires us to report this information for anyone contributing a total of $100 or more during the campaign
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Paid for by Holman for Open Space District Board 2018 3428 Janice Way Palo Alto, CA   94303 FPPC #1410488 Greg Schmid, Treasurer Copyright 2018
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